Add parts. In the popup menu all the parts of the libary can be choosen. sets the font size for entering text. sets the font used for entering text. Move mode. Parts can be selected and moved Shall the diameters be placed within the Excellon-file? Shall the grid be drawn with dots ? Sets the grid’s value being used for a new document. The values of the diplayed object are copied into the palette “Width & Distances” Toggles the Grid between On / Off Save the Gerber coordinates in Inches or millimeters? Sets the Gerber coordinates exactness while 2.3 means 2 digits before and 3 digits after the point. Sets the default values for font and size of text-objects. Checking this checkbox draws objects regardless of their possible cover by other layer’s objects. This saves some time. While moving an objects the connected airways can be redrawn automatically. Use only on a fast Macintosh. The grid is drawn if is has the same or a bigger value than this one. Note that the grid may be active but invisible. If the grid is displayed a lines, the screen refresh is faster. Changes the grid’s color. Airway mode. In the mode it is possible to connect pads, VIAs and trace-ends with airways. Shows the current Gerber apertures. Saves a aperture table. Load a aperture table here. Selects the objects of the current board that are drawn with the actual aperture. Generates apertures necessary for a Gerber output of the curremt board. Deletes the selected aperture. Creates an aperture with the smallest available size. Displays messages from the Gerber module. Sorts the aperttures according to their size. Sorts the aperttures according to their outline. Sorts the aperttures according to their number. Changes the sensible area around the cursor (for selection of objects with a click) Changes the hole for new VIA’s. Changes the outline for new VIA’s. Changes the outer diameter for new VIA’s. Changes the hole of the Pad-pencil Changes the outline of the Pad-pencil Changes the outer diameter of the Pad-pencil Clickto change the trace-pencil’s width. click here to change the text Change the font size here Which object is the end point connected to (ain’t correctly supported so far...)? Which object is the starting point connected to (ain’t correctly supported so far...)? is the object selected or not (almost always useless). This is the object’s Gerber aperture (only displayed with copper objects...) if the objects is grouped with others, the first grouped object’s number is displayed here. the object’s potential. All connected objects have the same potential. For texts, this is the rotation angle. the object’s hole in inches or millimeters. If there’s no hole at all, zero is displayed the layer the selected object is on. the object’s outline. Make changements here as exceptions only. the objects width in inches and millimeters the object’s end point in absolute pixels. For objects with one coordinate only (pads, VIAs,...) this is the starting point also. Object’s starting point in abolute pixels. Click to go forward in the list of selected objects. Click to go back in the list of selected objects. Displays the selcted object’s number. Change each the colour of the layer’s objects here. This colown determines wether a layer can be altered or not. Use this colown to set the visibility of each layer. Holding option while clicking toogles all other layers. these radio buttons show the actual layer. All newly drawn traces are placed on this layer. Magnification. Click and drag to set a rectangle for zooming. Text mode. Long-clicking creates new space for text. After releasing the button, the text may be entered. A short click still selects objects. Pad set. A pad can be set by long-clicking (clock and hold the button for a while or move the curser slightly). A short (normal) click still selects objects Set the magnification of the display in percents. “Fullview” sets the magnification to display all objects Shows the cursor’s position and the distance between two points while drawing/moving. The unit is adjustable from the popupmenu. Change the length units here. Choose from millimeter, inch or absolute pixels. Here the grid can be adjusted The actual layer is shown here Here you can read the number of objects (traces, pads, VIAs, etc) Free memory is displayed here Draw mode. Traces can be drawn Important and less important messages from PCBWarrior are displayed here.